Chinese Sweet Plum Sageretia Theezans Bonsai Tree 38 cm
Chinese Sweet Plum Sageretia theezans is a pretty indoor bonsai which has great character at an early age due to the flaky bark revealing tones of red/tan. The stunning foliage has hints of rusty red turning to glossy green. Small white flowers give rise to tiny purple plum-shaped fruits.
This type of bonsai tree is native to Southern China and part of the flowering shrub family; Rhamnacae. It has a bright green foliage, and if cared for correctly will produce small flowers and eventually fruits.
A really pretty bonsai. Ideal for beginners with fabulous character.
Watering: Watering is a lovely and essential part of bonsai tree care. It is a simple, yet vital part of growing bonsai and only takes a few seconds. We recommend whilst you are learning to check the soil daily. If the soil is wet or very damp, please do not water your bonsai. When the soil starts to firm and feels barely damp to the touch, water well by either standing the bonsai in water for a few minutes or by pouring water over the soil surface to re-wet the root ball evenly.
Humidity: They like humid conditions, so kitchens and bathrooms suit Bonsai well, but only if they receive enough light.
Light: They need plenty of bright, indirect light, so make sure they are situated somewhere that catches full sun in the cooler months. Keep your Bonsai away from direct heat sources or drafts
Toxicity: Toxic to pets !
Trees are supplied with pot and saucer as per pictures .
Pot measurements are: W-13cm , L-19cm, H-8cm.