Green Charm
Cacti and Succulents make a great display & are EASY to care for !
Cacti and Succulents make a great display! From the beautiful Sansevierias and the Cereus Monstrosus to the cute and wonderful Hoyas. Check out these easy houseplants that are hard to kill and you’ll see that there’s an indoor plant out there for everyone whether you have a green thumb or not.
New Philodendron Narrow Escape - his big green leaves give a real jungle feel!
Philodendrons symbolises health and abundance. It also serves as a green muse for artists!Pablo Picasso used Philodendron in his sculpture 'Woman in the Garden', in which the leaves can be seen with the nymph Daphne 💚
Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Heart Shaped Plants
Plants are the best gift you can buy! 💚 They may need more love than flowers, but every time someone looks at the plant or waters it, they'll be able to think of the loved one who gave it to them!💚 The Anthurium Clarinervium with it’s giant lace patterned, heart shaped leaves makes a beautiful houseplant and Valentines day gift 💚 Anthurium’s prefer bright indirect light therefore keep it in a a sunny room but a bit further away from the window. Your Anthurium will do best when the soil has dried out in between watering.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year ...
✨It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and during this season our thoughts turn thankfully to the Customers who have made our year memorable. It is in the spirit of Christmas that we say thank You and best wishes for the holidays!✨
Air plants are one of our favorites! We love them as an element of our store decor…
Tillandsias also known as Air Plants, are beautiful, sculptural and intriguing plants that make the most beautiful living decor objects for your spaces, whether it’s at home, at the office or even in a classroom. Tillandsias are called Air Plants, because, differently from other plants, they get the majority of their nutrients from the air surrounding them. They don’t need soil to thrive; they only need a nicely ventilated area; abundant indirect sunlight and regular watering or misting, based on the temperature and humidity, (or the lack of thereof), of where you place your Air Plant. Air Plants, like other...